Various reports show that only 35% to 40% of all Americans hold a valid US Passport. Naturally only a small percentage of that are African Americans in 2022 it was only 9% but in the past year the number of Black people with valid passports including Afro Hispanics has risen by over 4 percent! More in one year than in the past decade to 13%! Historically when it comes to “Passports for Colored Citizens.” prior to 1862, the Federal government did not consider free blacks to be citizens of the United States. As such, the Department of State rarely issued passports to free Blacks. Also the State department did not want to see a cheap labor force leave the country and influence Africans around the world to rise up and oppose white aggression and oppression.
The FBI Counterintelligence Program file contains details of the bureau’s attempts to "expose, disrupt, and neutralize" groups that J. Edgar Hoover perceived as threatening to national security. The material in this file, spanning COINTELPRO’s existence from 1956 to 1971, is especially valuable for the view it offers of the U.S. political climate in the 1960s. The file is organized in sections that reflect the bureau’s interests, among them the Communist Party of the USA, Black nationalist "hate" groups, White "hate" groups, the Socialist Workers Party, and Cuban groups supporting Fidel Castro and any black person seeking a passport!