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Organic Veggies Need to be Nitrate Rich! Lose PPI's to Increase Health!

Nitric Oxide, Selenium, Magnesium, which prolong life and overall health naturally increases with nitrates and nutrients we can get if organic veggies are grown in nitrate rich soil! Antacids may be making you vulnerable to low nitric oxide intake!

Approximately 95% of blood pressure problems in the Black community are attributed to nutrient deficiencies in our diets. The initial step involves recognizing the significance of saliva and healthy oral bacteria in boosting nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide, produced by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), is a powerful vasodilator and signaling molecule crucial for the vascular remodeling of collateral arteries. Vitamin C markedly enhances TH and BH4 levels. Tetrahydrobipterin (BH4) is a pivotal enzymatic cofactor required for the synthesis of serotonin, dopamine and nitric oxide. BH4 is essential for numerous physiological processes at periphery and central levels, such as vascularization, inflammation, glucose homeostasis, regulation of oxidative stress. Giving more nitrate through supplementation is not going to improve performance as the body is self-regulating. Increasing healthy greens and fresh fruits as well as healthy natural protein intake is key rather than supplements.

A 2023 study from the American Society of Reproductive Medicine found that only about 3% of the sperm donors at the nation's largest donor banks are Black. It can be a complicated process for donors. They have to undergo screening for diseases and genetic disorders. Typically, they must provide generations of family medical history. That can reduce the pool of candidates. Surprisingly there was a greater call for black sperm donors from white and Asian women. Despite the low representation of Black individuals among sperm donors, there was a higher demand for Black donor sperm, with 13% of individuals using donor sperm for IVF!


Diabetes, like dementia and Alzheimer's, is considered a nitric oxide deficiency issue, involving reduced blood flow to the brain. Fadogia agrestis, known as black aphrodisiac, has been used traditionally in West Africa for over a thousand years. It is reputed for its aphrodisiac, pro-erectile, anti-malarial, and antipyretic properties, earning it the nickname 'natural Viagra.' This herb is believed to enhance testosterone levels while minimizing cardiovascular strain. However, research on Fadogia agrestis is limited, with no human studies conducted so far. The plant is a short bush from the Rubiaceae family, indigenous to Nigeria, and found from Ghana to Sudan. Traditionally, it serves as a febrifuge, aphrodisiac, and treatment for erectile dysfunction. It's important to note that two prevalent myths—cholesterol causing heart disease, and nitrates causing cancer—are contested, as diets rich in these elements, like those of vegans and Asians, often result in the opposite effect. Fadogia agrestis is also used traditionally to treat kidney problems. Kidney damage is a common complication of diabetes. According to a 2009 study published in the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” "High dose intakes of Fadogia Agrestis are linked to testicular size increase..."


The worst thing you can do to decrease nitric oxide is to use mouthwash daily, as it eliminates beneficial bacteria, leading to numerous issues with the oral microbiome and reducing nitric oxide production, offering mostly risks without benefits. Additionally, consuming fluoridated water, which has antiseptic properties, contributes to widespread health issues, including increased blood pressure, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic diseases, and reduced thyroid function. A lack of vegetables in your diet also leads to a decline in nitric oxide production.

Replacing mouthwash with a baking soda and salt rinse can replenish a healthy mouth microbiome in just four days. Using a baking soda mouth rinse can effectively reduce mouth acidity. Baking soda helps neutralize the pH in your mouth, which may reduce tooth enamel decay. It is also a beneficial home remedy for canker sores. Additionally, baking soda can whiten teeth and reduce plaque without the adverse effects associated with fluoride.

Biochemically, up to 25% of circulating nitrate is actively absorbed by the salivary glands, resulting in a 10- to 20-fold increase in its concentration in saliva. At a pH of 4, 50% of nitrite in saliva converts to nitric oxide in the stomach, aiding nutrient absorption. Lower levels of nitric oxide are associated with an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or antacids, which reduce stomach acid production, are among the worst medications for your health. They are prescribed for acid reflux, ulcers, erosive esophagitis, and other conditions. However, they should not be used for more than one week as they are linked to a rise in foodborne allergies, strokes, and heart attacks.


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