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Honey Bunches Of Chemo!

American Products with Cancer Causing Toxin /Flavor Enhancer BHT and BHA linked to Gender Dysphoria and Low Sperm Counts Are Being Internationally Banned!

Gender dysphoria (GD) is a facet of modern human biology which is believed to be derived from the sexual differentiation of the brain. Evidence suggests that abnormal biological processes possibly induced by endocrine disruptors in food, including mutations in certain genes, can lead to abnormal gonadal development, causing some fetuses to present with indifferent gonads and to be reassigned at birth to the default female sex.

BHA and BHT are banned in multiple countries including Japan, the European Union, but not the U.S. There is conclusive research showing that BHA and BHT(butylated hydroxytoluene), which is used as a flavor enhancer, increases exponentially the risk of cancer. Both BHT and BHA are banned in Japan, Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The US FDA acknowledges the cancer risks of these foods but has allowed these ingredients since before the 1950s and doesn't want to hurt the profits of companies like Kellogg's and Post cereals. “The FDA has studied the use of BHA and BHT in foods for decades and has determined that at the very low levels at which most companies use them, they do not pose immediate safety concerns.

BHT is also considered safe for a combined use of mouthwash at a concentration of 0.001%, toothpaste at a concentration of 0.1%. But what if your kids eat that cereal or wheat thins, or lunch time snacks everyday or at least once a week for 10-20 years? Food preservatives and additives like BHA and BHT are safe to consume in the specific dose recommended by the FDA, but keep in mind that scientific research on the long-term effects of higher doses is not a priority because the answer could cost American companies profits or open them up to lawsuits.

Cancer is not the only problem with these additives! These preservatives, associated with cancer and other health issues require good parents to be cautious of them in cereals and processed foods targeted to children. Artificial Colors and BHA are linked to multiple behavioral issues in children, they're found in many snacks and sauces. The BHA existing in vitro studies indicate that BHA presents a weak estrogenic effect and also anti-androgenic properties while an in vivo. Meaning it has the potential to make males who are born more feminine in the spectrum and affect their ability to have children due to decreased fertility later in life.

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) an endocrine disruptor is extensively used as antioxidant in foods, food packaging, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. In the past years, it's increased use as a flavor enhancer raised concerns regarding its possible endocrine disrupting effect. An endocrine disrupter is “an exogenous substance or mixture that alters the function(s) of the endocrine system and consequently causes adverse health effects in an intact organism (a human), or its progeny (your children), or (sub) populations (your grandchildren etc...)”

The number of the substances discovered to act as endocrine disruptors is increasing every year. Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) have different origins and structures; they can be synthetic pharmaceutical estrogenic compounds such as diethylstilbestrol, pesticides of different classes, plastic manufacturing chemicals, detergents, heavy metals, cosmetics preservatives, and antioxidants! Endocrine disruptors may have a role in the increasing cases of gender Dysphoria around the world. Gender dysphoria is distress due to a discrepancy between one's assigned gender and gender identity.

The consequences of EDC like BHA's exposure depend on the moment of the exposure, the period of exposure, the possibility for the normal homeostatic mechanisms to compensate the effects. The endocrine disrupting compounds are being incriminated of diminishing the quality and quantity of sperm, increasing the incidence of testicular, prostate and breast cancer, but also of inducing malformations of the male reproductive system! An endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC), acts as an estrogen mimic compound. This may affect sexual differentiation of the brain and cause a reversal of differentiation in male to female transsexual as female brain.

BHA is extensively used in bulk oils and oil-in-water emulsions. It proved to be a very effective protector in animal fats, but relatively ineffective in vegetable oils.

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