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Brazil Hides its Gentrification Failure and Growing 60% Black Majority!

Writer's picture: blackcoralinc2021blackcoralinc2021

Brazil Hides failure of 250 year "whitening" plan to Europeanize the country In order to maintain a semblance of dominance and despite the fact Brazil will be 80% Black by 2050 Brazil fudges the census numbers, and here's how!

60% of Brazilians now define themselves as black, Indigenous or mixed race compared with 40% whites. The proportion of Brazilians declaring themselves white was down from 47.7% in 2010, when Brazil's last census was held. The 2022 census is just a rehash of data from the 2010 census! Brazil is recently using the USA playbook to try to incarcerate large numbers of black men even as the white majority moguls fund surreptitiously the bulk of illegal drugs siphoned into the country to flood the poorest communities.

The fear of the rise of black majority power has put the racists into overdrive now that "wokeness" (mental freedom from colonization) has torpedoed the division of races through colorism assignations and the main target is poor black children. Neither the rain or cold, nor the pandemic, kept people from taking the streets of Rio de Janeiro and of 40 other Brazilian cities on Wednesday, May 13, 2023 to protest racism and the genocide of black Brazilians.

The protest, organized by the Black Coalition for Rights—a national alliance made up of over 200 organizations, initiatives, groups and collectives from the Brazilian Black Movement—took demonstrators to the streets wearing face masks and guided by the motto: “Not from Gunshots, Covid or Hunger! Black People Want to Live!” underlining the complaint contained in the Coalition’s manifesto: “We denounce to the world that we live in a country where we may be dead tomorrow because we are black.”

In all, there were 41 demonstrations in Brazil and three abroad, with one in London and two in the United States, in the cities of New York and Austin. The name “May 13 of Struggles” alludes to the end of slavery in Brazil which took place on May 13, 1888.

Among the movement’s revindications are the guarantee of an emergency aid payment of R$600 (US$113) until the end of the pandemic; the black population’s right to the coronavirus vaccine and to be properly assisted by the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS); and in favor of Jair Bolsonaro stepping down from the presidency. Ironically more white Brazilians have died from covid despite the lack of access to health care by poor black communities.

The protest, also called #May13IntheStreets, was a reaction to the atrocities committed during the police raid which resulted in this month’s #Jacarezinho Massacre, the most lethal in the history of the city of Rio, and which culminated in 29 deaths: 28 civilians and one police officer.

“Our children have been spinelessly murdered in the favelas. They are chased, arrested, shot in the back, and killed while unarmed, like my son Johnatha, killed by a police officer from the UPP (Pacifying Police Unit). It’ll be seven years tomorrow [May 14]. This proves there was no abolition. What is this freedom we have that kills us? This abolition is fake! And it’s not just the police! The entire legal system has the deaths of our children on the tip of their pens. But our dead have a voice. Our children have mothers,” roared Ana Paula de Oliveira, from the collective Mothers from Manguinhos, a movement that brings together mothers of victims of violence perpetrated by the State of Rio de Janeiro. It is estimated that between 115 million and 130 million Brazilians are of African ancestry.

Mass killings by public security officials were frequent, disproportionately affecting Black people in marginalized neighborhoods. Cis and transgender women, especially Black women, were targets of various forms of violence. In an election year, the dissemination of fake news and statements by President Bolsonaro incited politically motivated violence, threatened state institutions and undermined the functioning of judicial institutions. Many journalists and human rights defenders were threatened and killed. The social, political and economic situation continued to deteriorate, leading to violations of the rights to food, health, housing, work and social assistance, among others. Investigations into human rights violations documented by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic were shelved. The historic failure of the state to confront structural racism continued to result in Indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants being disproportionately impacted by failings in institutional measures and actions. Simply put many white Brazilians are afraid because the plan to slowly lighten up the population has failed miserably and within 20 years over 80 percent of Brazil could be visibly Black!




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