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Black Coral Inc Presents: The 411 on Black Walnut Hull Tincture!

Annual parasite cleanse, recipe!

Black walnut hull is known to kill parasites; it has been recognized for its efficacy in treating parasitic infections, including worms. Recently, there has been an increase in parasite cases in the USA. It's common for many parts of the world to deworm humans regularly. So, it raises the question: why would anyone assume that Americans are exempt from parasites?

The United States is one of the few countries that does not routinely deworm its human population. This leads to the question of why this is the case. Could it be a mistaken belief in our own superiority regarding cleanliness and the necessity for deworming? It's worth considering whether this attitude is both narcissistic and naive.

Numerous doctors have utilized a common dewormer, Ivermectin, to treat COVID-19, as well as wormwood, also known as Artemisia Annua, the world's second most popular malaria remedy. Recent studies on Artemisia and Artemisia-based products for managing COVID-19 are under international review, and it is also known as an affordable tea. These products have shown a wide range of biological capabilities, including antiviral properties. In addition to its antiviral activity, Artemisia annua is reported to contain significant amounts of minerals such as zinc, gallium, and selenium, among others. Hydroxychloroquine, a long-standing malaria treatment, has also shown potential. The question remains whether it is the deworming effect or other components in these inexpensive, common medications that contribute to their efficacy in treating this illness.

We won't focus on that. However, if you own pets or livestock, fail to thoroughly wash your garden vegetables, or consume certain meats such as pork, it's likely you could have parasites. Symptoms of parasitic infections can include anemia, mood disorders, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, food allergies, chronic fatigue, as well as changes in appetite and joint stiffness.

The primary compound in black walnut hulls, juglone, possesses high toxicity to numerous insects and parasites. Organic gardeners often employ black walnut extract as a natural pesticide. Research indicates that black walnut hull extract is highly effective at exterminating and removing parasites from the body.

An additional advantage of juglone, a key component, is its capacity to combat and eliminate both bacteria and viruses. Juglone generates an environment that is toxic to most microbes, bacteria, and viruses, yet it is harmless to humans. Walnut hulls contribute to the strengthening of your immune system, enabling you to fend off colds and other infectious diseases more efficiently.

Black walnut hull is also effective against fungal infections. The extract from black walnut hull is a beneficial treatment for conditions such as ringworm, toenail fungus, and candida, with juglone believed to be the primary antifungal component. Additionally, black walnut hull can treat cold sores and athlete's foot effectively. Typically, a poultice or a strong infusion is used for these fungal infections. For toenail fungus, which suggests a systemic fungal issue, a tincture might be employed to eradicate the fungus.

Juglone, found in black walnut hulls, is a quinone known for its antioxidant properties. These antioxidants combat free radicals within the body. An overabundance of free radicals can result in chronic diseases like heart disease, dementia, diabetes, and cancer. Antioxidants safeguard against oxidative stress, which may lead to immune dysfunction. They contribute to the prevention and repair of damaged cells, disease prevention, and even the repair of DNA and cell membranes. Notably, juglone, a key compound in black walnut, is showing potential as a cancer treatment option.

Amazingly, antioxidants can even lead to healthier, younger-looking skin and stronger hair. And these powerful enzymes can relieve some rheumatoid arthritis pain.

Good source of iodine!

Iodine is a crucial mineral for thyroid health, necessary for producing thyroid hormones. Yet, iodine deficiency is common. Black walnut hull is an excellent source of iodine. The daily recommended iodine intake is 150 micrograms. Taking a black walnut hull supplement ensures you receive a precise iodine amount, as supplements are labeled with their iodine content. Making your own may lead to uncertainty about the actual iodine content.

In cases of exposure to nuclear radiation, for instance, residing near waterways contaminated with radioactive substances like iodine, significantly elevating your thyroid's iodine levels is the primary way to mitigate the effects. However, caution is advised, as a sharp increase in iodine consumption should be restricted to a short duration and reserved for critical emergencies.

Black walnut hull is beneficial for digestive health. The tannins present in black walnut hull are known to tone the digestive system, offering relief from both diarrhea and constipation. Additionally, it aids in soothing indigestion and gas. Black walnut hull is particularly effective in treating digestive issues caused by bacteria or parasites, successfully addressing conditions like giardia, colic, and candida, while also promoting a healthy bacterial balance in the gut. Moreover, it plays a significant role in detoxifying the body, particularly the digestive tract, by eliminating toxins and fostering a healthy equilibrium. It also possesses properties that may protect against cancer, including the prevention of colon or rectal cancer.

Black walnut hull is recognized as an herbal bitter and is known to promote the flow of bile into the intestines. This extract not only tones and repairs digestive tissue but also enhances the gut environment, facilitating better assimilation and elimination. It is often claimed by many health professionals that black walnut hull may also aid in repairing a leaky gut.

If you're interested in creating your own tincture, rum is an excellent choice for a black walnut hull tincture, provided it's at least 80 proof. Crafting a black walnut hull tincture is quite straightforward, even for novice herbalists. Collect the green black walnuts in early fall, while they're still on the tree and slightly soft. Avoid hulls from the ground as they're more likely to be worm-infested. You may insert the whole black walnuts or trim some of the outer hull. It's beneficial to use both methods. Typically, it's easiest to start by placing whole walnuts in the jar, then chopping some to fill any spaces. While additional ingredients are optional, they can enhance the tincture's strength and efficacy, particularly against parasites. For instance, adding whole cloves is a common practice. Incorporating wormwood is also advantageous for its anti-parasitic properties.

Cover all of the hulls, nearly to the top of the jar, with at least 80 proof rum. Many herbalists also use vodka but a nice spiced rum has a smoother flavor, the spiced rum will go nicely with the bitter and earthy flavors of the black walnut hull, sweet wormwood and cloves. Once you have nearly filled the jar with your chosen alcohol, put the lid on and give it a good shake. This may shake out some of the air bubbles and you may have to top it off again.

Place the jar in a warm area with a bit of sunlight exposure. The sunlight will assist in extracting the medicinal qualities from the hulls. Allow the mixture to infuse for 4-6 weeks, shaking it daily or whenever you remember. After the infusion period, filter out the hulls and any other added ingredients. The tincture can remain in the original jar, and you may transfer small quantities into a dropper bottle for use.

Should you prefer to avoid alcohol, apple cider vinegar is a suitable alternative. While an alcohol-based tincture tends to be more potent and have a longer shelf life, it's perfectly acceptable to opt for non-alcoholic options.

Dosage and warnings!

This information is solely for educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult your doctor, nurse, or a licensed herbal practitioner before using any tincture. It's important to conduct your own research to ensure that this and any other supplements are suitable for you. Additionally, if you are under a physician's care, seek medical advice before starting any new herbal supplements.

When beginning with black walnut hull extract, it's advisable to start with a small dose. Many homeopaths suggest starting with 30 drops twice daily for adults, gradually increasing to 50 drops twice daily, equivalent to approximately 2 teaspoons. For children, a typical dose is around 5 drops per day.

With any supplement, it's unwise to continue its use continuously for extended periods. Instead, take a supplement or tincture for two weeks, then pause for one week. This approach is particularly advisable for deworming, which experts recommend conducting twice annually. Staying hydrated is crucial, and it's beneficial to detoxify the liver before starting a parasite cleanse. Avoid doing both simultaneously to pinpoint any adverse reactions.


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