Climate Change And The Wokeness!
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Climate Change And The Wokeness!

The Spiritual Awakening of The African Diaspora Threatens the low Vibrational Peoples and Has an Effect on the Physical Planes!

The global African diasporic awakening is essentially a holistic healing beginning with the understandings of belonging, community, freedom of the global descendants of indigenous Africans and embracing or innate spiritual power and good character (iwa-pele inYorùbá) which are embedded in a way of understanding and being in the world (ontology) informed by a holism, where the spiritual, psychological, physical well-being and the moral tenets expressed the healing aspects of religion are not separate spheres.

Extending from this are a series of rights and responsibilities across generations, both to those who will come, and those who have been, directed at making the world a better place all mankind. On the surface In addition to respecting the sacrifices and honoring the spirits of departed persons, many African diaspora belief systems involve the veneration of higher beings as representatives of the many higher aspects of our combined spiritual selves. We cannot expect to reach a higher knowledge of self if we seek to embrace our baser natures and desires meant to be conquered. Devotees honor spirits and other entities through offerings such as flowers, foods, and alcohol as well as through prayers and rituals.

African belief system, say that humans are on a journey toward spiritual enlightenment. Our goal is not to be consumed by hate but righteousness in destroying those systems that empower those who embrace genocide as a way of life. When we treat people like burdens or their needs like laziness, we are acting as demonic agents of these dehumanizing systems. African spirituality was warped and force fed back to a population to control with imagery and propaganda rooted in a mythology of Ancient white heavenly saviors from Moses to Yeshua these stories were whitewashed rewritten and fed to the world as a template urging acceptance of white dominance in exchange for a promised time of happiness after death.

Prioritizing, normalizing, and universalizing white inherent and innate goodness and godliness, western ideas about spirituality are a form of white supremacy. A supremacy built on white male dominance as the paradigm reflecting the cosmic trinity of the Father, child and Mother becomes the Father, Son and Holy Spirit the feminine and nurturing life giving female aspect of humanity is removed. It reflects the White perspective of innate evil in the feminine that permeates all the aspects of their remixing of African religions. They offer no balance in the belief system and are thus always in enmity with the aspect that requires them to protect life first. To protect all life before aggression for resources is pushed.

NOW WE ARE IN AN AGE WHEN THE WHOLE PLANET IS AWAKENING AND THE OPPRESSORS ARE SCARED! The awakening began initially with the current movements of searching and realization of the true identity and history of the Africans and black people in general boosted by social media access. This allowed people to do research in real time faster than governments could hide the information and realize how and to what extent they have been lied to. Misrepresentations of the ancient world and the genesis of civilizations are being exposed such as who were the original inhabitants of the so called Middle East or Levant.

Inhabited those regions up until the fair-skinned “Japhetic and Denisovan-infused Hamitic/Semitic” people from the North invaded their homelands, and forced them to flee south, as far south as sub-Saharan Africa (in the case of those from the Levant, Arabian Peninsula and southern Europe). But not all of them fled though, some intermarried with these newcomers and gave rise to some of the modern-day inhabitants, and a very small number of them remained behind, to this day! As to who, of the Black Africans, inhabited in Africa and who inhabited in those other regions?

The answer is very simple:

Africa has Black people carrying Y-DNA Haplogroups A (and it's subclades), B (and its subclades), E1a, E1b1a, E1b1b, E2, J, R1b and T-M184. Of all these many Y-DNA Haplogroups, the A and B Haplogroups are the true indigenous Haplogroups to Africa. So, those who mostly carry these Haplogroups had their ancestors inhabiting Africa all the way from the dawn of the “modern-day” mankind to this day. They are the true indigenous people of Africa. And the other Haplogroups mentioned above, other than the A's and the B's, gradually back-migrated to Africa from Eurasia (the Levant, Arabian Peninsula, southern Europe) at different occasions and time periods.

The lack of spiritual context to understanding the world has caused even greater anxiety to European populations that essentially worshipped whiteness and not any inclusive worldview beyond the inherent holiness of those without melanin. The white response to climate change is a reflection of their cognitive dissonance in matters of personal morality beyond race based agendas. This attitude of panic rather than embracing rational action which might make them less comfortable is literally suffocating to people of color. Climate anxiety can operate like white fragility! Climate change and its effects—pandemics, pollution, natural disasters—are not universally or uniformly felt: the people and communities suffering most are disproportionately Black, Indigenous and people of color. It is no surprise then that U.S. surveys show that these are the communities most concerned about climate change.

Being woke means waking up our sensitivities to injustice and inequality. It means recognizing and claiming the moral values that guide us in deciding what’s right and wrong. Understood as a moral imperative, “woke” is exactly what’s needed in a climate emergency. But wokeness entails accepting responsibility for your actions past and present. And recognizing there will be consequences. A woke person sees the absurdity of how the world is dealing with the crisis. Carbon pollution from burning coal, oil and gas is over-heating our planet. The devastating evidence is everywhere. At the same time, clean affordable alternatives, like solar and wind power, are increasingly available and affordable, and they promise huge benefits, like a healthier environment, cheaper energy costs and millions of good jobs. The problem? BIPOC children will be the majority of the population benefitting from those jobs putting them at an economic advantage over the smaller white population.

So the answer is to find someone who can turn back time! White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them out of necessity in order to continue their existence. Pavlovian contextual fear extinction is viewed as an important mechanism for behavioral adaptation in everyday life, including challenging situations of stress and anxiety. It has frequently been shown to relate to the function of brain areas like the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)

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