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Anti-Black Historic Revision, Climate and The Creation of The Anti-Hero PT1

Writer's picture: blackcoralinc2021blackcoralinc2021

New Social scientists are looking at the roots of racism as "Black Envy" not Hate! This divisive tool is used to redirect the focus of humanity on a scapegoat population in order to maintain a status quo that is actually killing the planet!

Lynda Blake CoFounder Black Coral, Hitmaker MC Spice

In Medieval times up until the late 1800s Europeans believed bathing was an unhealthy practice and Queen Isabella once bragged she had only bathed twice in her life. Lice at one time were thought to be a blessing they were referred to as God's pearls .Although personal hygiene practices do differ widely among individuals and are not indicative of an entire continent's habits throughout Europe the Catholic church and others expressed a distaste for bathing throughout the Ante-Nicene period, including the Apostolic Constitutions. To the Church bathing was synonymous to accepting public bathhouses, scholars were consistent in addressing how bathhouses were immoral thus people who bathed often were seen as immoral. The eradication of plague in Europe was a direct result of the advent of public hygiene instituted by the Blackamoors (Moors).

Europeans historically carried far more diseases than most of the peoples they colonized because of their proximity to livestock. Many Europeans lived intimately with their livestock. Farmers and the surrounding aggregate nations survived harsh winters and hot summers where it was necessary to share indoor space with animals. In 711, a group of African Muslims led by the Berber (Berber is an Ethnic group the majority of which were phenotypically black) general, Tariq ibn-Ziyad, captured the Iberian Peninsula (modern Spain and Portugal).

Modern Day Berbers Like This Tuareg Family are usually much lighter complexioned than their darker ancestors!

When Europeans regained control of Iberia approximately 600 years later they vilified all that was created by the Moors or claimed it for themselves by whitewashing history in two social movements one was the Spanish Inquisition that targeted families, ethnicities, culture, and religious affiliations utilizing imprisonment, torture, theft, and public executions. The majority of people targeted were the descendants of the successive waves of Berber and Arab tribes, Black Jewish refugees, Gypsies (Slang for Egyptians meaning North Africans. The Roma (Gypsies) originated in the Punjab region of northern India as a nomadic people and entered Europe between the eighth and tenth centuries C.E. They were called "Gypsies" because Europeans mistakenly believed they came from Egypt due to their dark complexions Hair and Eyes).

Khazar Mediterranean merchants also migrated across the Strait of Gibraltar from North Africa and the Middle East onto the Iberian Peninsula. Khazars, were a Caucasian people from the steppes that converted to Judaism and utilized geography to attain their economic and political goals. Khazars thus placed themselves at a major transit point. Traders, both Muslim and Jewish, from the Near East, Central Asia, and lands that are now Russia and Ukraine visited Khazaria and its capital, Itil, on the river Volga. Khazars controlled the major rivers of the region: the Volga, the Don, and various estuaries running toward them. They built fortresses and collected taxes at the rivers’ major entrances and exits. Many believe the Khazars are the forefathers of the majority of European Jews.

Whitewashing the Narratives and the Arts

Many who were taught about the Greek epics like the Iliad would assumed that, because he is the protagonist, Achilles is the hero of this story. Examining his actions closely throughout the Iliad such as rape of a female warriors corpse, murder, homosexual relationship with a child killer, Hector disrespecting the corpse then killing Mestor, Hector's brother, and abducting, raping, and murdering Mestor's wife. Comparing Achilles' actions to those of other characters, however, some may come to the conclusion that Achilles is not really the hero, and perhaps even an antihero. One might look at Memnon the Ethiopian Prince who was the African son of the Goddess of the Dawn Eos. Memnon not only drew blood from Achilles but would have defeated him if the Gods had not interfered and saved Achilles cheating on his behalf. Because of Menon's nobility he was made a God himself and granted immortality. His companions were changed into birds, called Memnonides, that came every year to fight and lament over his grave. The presence of dew on morning grass is considered the tears of the Goddess of the Dawn over her fallen son Memnon. Achilles remained mortal at his end.

This whitewashing of the original Greek peoples and classics occurs very often from the oldest stories of the Oracles coming from Egypt to the Athenians who were certain that they were and always had been the original inhabitants of Attica; unlike other cities in Greece with foreign founders the Athenians were sure that they had always been in the same place. Herodotus identifies the Athenians as Pelasgians. In Greek European art we see Andromeda as a princess of Ethiopia, that Ovid specifically refers to her dark skin and that artists throughout Western art history frequently omitted to depict her blackness because Andromeda was regarded as a woman of extreme beauty, and blackness and beauty – for many of them – were opposites.

In Plato's dialog the character Timaeus recounts: In the Egyptian Delta, at the head of which the river Nile divides, there is a certain district which is called the district of Sais, and the great city of the district is also called Sais, and is the city from which King Amasis came. The citizens have a deity for their foundress; she is called in the Egyptian tongue Neith, and is asserted by them to be the same whom the Hellenes call Athene; they are great lovers of the Athenians, and say that they are in some way related to them. In regards to ancient Athenians referring to themselves as the Pelasgians, they appear as an ambiguously defined and geographically ubiquitous (everywhere) first ethnic group or tribe. Various classical writers describe the Pelasgians as simultaneously pre-Hellenic and non-Hellenic –– ancestral and barbarian, chronologically earlier and essentially different due to their dark skin. Greeks, however, did not call these people "Nubians" or "Kushites," ; they called them Aithiopes ("Ethiopians"), which in Greek meant "Burnt-Faced Ones." They knew perfectly well that Pelasgians like Nubians were black-skinned, as are the Sudanese of the same regions Ancient Athenians stated they came from today.

The Pelasgians were a combination of diverse "Black" tribes which included the Achaeans , Kadmeans, and Leleges. The Garamantes were also often called Pelasgians by some classical writers. And this brings us back to Berbers as ancient peoples, who descended from Berber tribes, Toubou tribes, and Saharan pastoralists that settled in the Fezzan region by at least 1000 BC and established a civilization that flourished until its end in the late 7th century. In Homer, the term Achaeans is one of the primary terms used to refer to the Greeks as a whole. It is used 598 times in the Iliad. Thus we see that people of dark complexion were present in the various city-states that made up Ancient Greece. Known as Ethiopians as a whole, black people were depicted on numerous works of art that have survived to this day. The hero King of Argos Diomedes called the second Achilles was often depicted as a black man. Diomedes was the most favored warrior of Athena who even served as a charioteer to him once. In regards to the Trojan war he received the most direct help and protection. That he was a favorite of the gods can be shown from the fact that he was one of the two persons that were granted immortality and became gods in post-Homeric mythology the other was Memnon.

Statue of Diomedes note the nose which has been chiseled off!

Europe has had more than one movement to change and destroy art because of the depictions of ancient biblical figures and civilizations.

The Protestant Reformation during the 16th century in Europe almost entirely rejected the existing tradition of Catholic art, and very often destroyed as much of it as it could reach. A new artistic tradition developed, producing far smaller quantities of art that followed Protestant political agendas and diverged drastically from the southern European tradition and the humanist art produced during the High Renaissance. Renaissance Humanism was an intellectual movement that emphasized the study of Greek and Roman classical literature, history, and philosophy, this often involved adhering to a specific aesthetic many ancient Greek and Roman statues were painted in vibrant colors humanists removed all these colors to reveal mainly white stone, while the Protestant Reformation was a religious and political movement that aimed to reform the Roman Catholic Church it also involved maintaining a white aesthetic of what was considered beautiful and holy.


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